getting started with longevity
This guide walks through the basic steps needed to get started building a real-life application with longevity. The application we will be looking at here is a sample blogging application, built with longevity on the back end, and using Akka HTTP for a REST API that could be used by a web client. You can find the source code here:
We’ve also ported the Akka HTTP tutorial into Play. The tutorials and this guide cover roughly the same material, with this guide following the Akka HTTP version.
We will only have the chance to cover a portion of the blogging application code, so please feel free to explore the codebase further on your own. You can also look to the user manual for more information.
Here’s a table of contents for the getting started guide:
- Modelling our Domain
- Declaring the Domain Model
- Building the User Aggregate
- The User Profile
- Username and Email
- Building the Longevity Context
- The Akka HTTP Routes
- The User Service
- User Service Implementation
- UserServiceImpl.createUser
- UserServiceImpl.retrieveUser
- UserServiceImpl.updateUser
- Exercising the API
- Testing CRUD Operations
- Exercises for the Reader