longevity resources
- Feature List - A quick rundown on what longevity provides for you
- Video Demo - Seventy minute introductory video that will walk you through the basics of using longevity
- User Manual - A comprehensive guide to using longevity
- Getting Started Guide - Covers the basics, should take a half hour to an hour to read through
- Scaladocs - Programmer’s API
Discussion Forum - On Google Groups. Please drop a line! We really want to hear from you!
- License - Apache 2
- How You Can Contribute - We are always squeezed for hours to work on this code, and there are loads of great features to be implemented. Please consider contributing.
- Gitter Channel - Join the lively conversation
- Story Board - Check out the future roadmap for longevity
- Latest News - While we wish longevity had its own blog, for the time being, we share longevity news at the scabl blog