
A Persistence Framework for Scala and NoSQL

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the akka http routes

Let’s skip ahead to look at the Akka HTTP routes. In a moment, we’ll come back to our service class to see how these routes are hooked up to the back-end repositories.

These routes define an application API that might be used by a JavaScript application front-end. We haven’t had the time to actually write a front end yet. If you would like to give it a shot, we would happily consider any pull requests!

UserRoute.scala defines the Simple Blogging API for users and user profiles. The following routes are defined:

  • POST /users - creates a new user
  • GET /users - retrieves all the users
  • GET /users/$username - retrieves a single user
  • PUT /users/$username - updates an existing user
  • DELETE /users/$username - deletes an existing user
  • GET /users/$username/profile - retrieves a user profile
  • PUT /users/$username/profile - creates or updates a user profile
  • DELETE /users/$username/profile - deletes a user profile

Please note that the GET /users endpoint will not work with a Cassandra persistence strategy, because Cassandra does not support unfiltered queries.

These routes are defined in the standard idiom of Akka HTTP, and we will not go into the details here. Please take a look at the source code if you are interested. If you do not already have the Simple Blogging project checked out, you can view the source on GitHub.

For our purposes, the important thing to note is that the work for each of these endpoints delegates to one of the methods in UserService.scala, which we will turn to next.

prev: building the longevity context
up: getting started guide
next: the user service