
A Persistence Framework for Scala and NoSQL

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repo crud spec

The RepoCrudSpec iterates over all of the persistent classes in your domain, and tests basic CRUD operations for each of them. This includes testing Repo.retrieve method against every key defined in your persistent types.

Two RepoCrudSpecs are provided for you in the LongevityContext: repoCrudSpec, and inMemRepoCrudSpec. The latter uses an in-memory database. The former executes tests using a test database. The database connection details are specified in the longevity config.

The repo crud specs are ScalaTest suites:

val spec: org.scalatest.Suite = longevityContext.repoCrudSpec

In a typical evocation of ScalaTest, for instance from within SBT, a classpath scan is performed, and only top-level Suites - non-abstract classes that are defined directly within a package - are found. So to get one of these repo crud specs to run, you have to nest it in a top-level class. For example, to run both in-memory and against a real database:

import org.scalatest.Suites

class BlogCrudSpec extends Suites(

ScalaTest is an optional dependency in longevity, so you’ll need to declare a dependency on ScalaTest in your own project to use the repo crud specs. Please use ScalaTest version 3.0.1 or later.

The default test data generator will not work out of the box in the face of constraint violations causing exceptions to be thrown from your persistent and embeddable constructors. In this case, you need to provide custom generators for your types. This is described in the section on enforcing constraints.

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up: testing
next: query spec