
A Persistence Framework for Scala and NoSQL

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Here’s the code for UserServiceImpl.createUser:

  def createUser(info: UserInfo): Future[UserInfo] = {
      for {
        created <- repo.create(info.toUser)
      } yield {
    } recover {
      case e: DuplicateKeyValException[_, _] => handleDuplicateKeyVal(e, info)

The heart of the method is the call to repo.create, inside the for comprehension. repo.create returns a Future[PState[User]]. The future is there because we want to treat the underlying database call in an asynchronous fashion. The User is further wrapped in a PState, or persistent state, which contains persistence information about the user that is not part of the domain model. You don’t need to know much of anything about a PState, except that you can call methods get and modify on it, to work with the underlying User inside.

In the yield clause of the for comprehension in this method, created.get retrieves the User from the PState. This in turn is passed to a method that converts from a User to a UserInfo. Then the for comprehension wraps this back up in a Future, which is exactly the kind of thing that Akka HTTP wants to work with.

One caveat here is that repo.create might fail with a duplicate key exception. There might already be a user that has either the same username or email. So we call recover on the resulting Future and convert the longevity DuplicateKeyValException into a service-level exception: either DuplicateUsernameException or DuplicateEmailException:

  import longevity.exceptions.persistence.DuplicateKeyValException

  /** converts longevity duplicate key val exception into simbl exception */
  private def handleDuplicateKeyVal(e: DuplicateKeyValException[_, _], info: UserInfo): Nothing = {
    e.key match {
      case User.keys.username =>
        throw new DuplicateUsernameException(info.username)
      case User.keys.email =>
        throw new DuplicateEmailException(info.email)

Our Akka HTTP route responds to these exceptions by producing a 409 Conflict.

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up: getting started guide
next: UserServiceImpl.retrieveUser