testing crud operations
Before we wrap up, we’d like to point out a useful tool that you can
pull out of the LongevityContext
: the RepoCrudSpec
. This will test
all of your CRUD operations for all of your persistent types against a
test database. It’s trivial to set up, as you can see
in SimblRepoCrudSpec.scala
package simbl
import org.scalatest.Suites
class SimblRepoCrudSpec extends Suites(
There’s also a little framework for testing queries, and you can see
an example of that in BlogPostQuerySpec.scala
package simbl
import longevity.test.QuerySpec
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
import simbl.domain.BlogPost
import simbl.domain.SimblDomainModel
class BlogPostQuerySpec extends QuerySpec[Future, SimblDomainModel, BlogPost](
TestSimblContext.longevityContext) {
lazy val sample = randomP
behavior of "BlogPost.queries.recentPosts"
it should "produce the expected results" in {
You can run these for yourself using sbt test
from the command line.