
A Persistence Framework for Scala and NoSQL

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Repo.create takes an unpersisted object as argument, persists it, and returns the persistent state. Here’s a simplified version of its signature:

def create[P](unpersisted: P): F[PState[P]]

We left out one thing: the implicit longevity.model.PEv[M, P]. The “ev” in PEv stands for “evidence”. This implicit is evidence that the type P is actually a type of something that you have declared as persistent in model M. This evidence will be found by your compiler in the companion object for class P, assuming it is actually a longevity.model.PType[M, P]. It will be if you annotated you persistent class with @longevity.model.annotations.persistent[M], as recommended in the section on persistent objects. Requiring this evidence allows us to make repository methods typesafe without requiring you to provide a marker trait on your persistent classes.

Here’s how we would persist a user:

val user = User("smithy", "John Smith", "smithy@john-smith.ninja")
val futureUserState: Future[PState[User]] = userRepo.create(user)

Repo.create gives back a PState, which you can in turn manipulate and pass to Repo.update and Repo.delete.

When you attempt to create a persistent object that has matching values to an existing entity for a key defined in the PType, the results are currently backend-specific. For MongoDB, in the absence of a primary key, a DuplicateKeyValException will be thrown. If you have a primary key, a DuplicateKeyValException will only be thrown for the primary key, and only when the primary key is not hashed.

On Cassandra, no check for duplicate key values is made. We plan to give the user finer control over this behavior in the future.

prev: persistent state
up: the repository
next: repo.retrieve