
A Persistence Framework for Scala and NoSQL

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You can look up a persistent object from the database using the keys you defined in your PType. All you need is a key value. One way to do this is to construct one yourself, like so:

val username = Username("smithy")
val f: Future[Option[PState[User]]] = repo.retrieve[User](username)

If you look at the API docs for Repo.retrieve, you will see that the method above is actually divided into two parts. The repo.retrieve[User] returns a Repo.Retrieve[User] object. We then call apply on this object - the (username) part in the above code sample - which actually does the work. The reason why the API is divided up in this way is to prevent you from having to supply Username as a type parameter. Otherwise the call would look like this:

repo.retrieve[User, Username](username) // this won't compile

Due to the way that type inference in Scala is done, there is no way that the User type can be inferred in this case. (The presence of the User type on the left-hand side of the assignment doesn’t help.)

The Repo.Retrieve[P].apply method takes two implicit arguments. Like Repo.create, we require a PEnv[M, P], to ensure that the persistent class is actually part of the domain model. The retrieve method also requires an implicit longevity.model.ptype.Key[M, P, V] argument, to assure that the key value supplied actually matches up with a key defined in the persistent type for P. This is why we typically define our keys as implicit values.

Take note that Repo.retrieve returns an optional PState, since there is never a guarantee that a key value will match an existing persistent object. If you feel confident that the persistent object does exist, you can use Repo.retrieveOne instead. This is a simple wrapper method for retrieve, that opens up the Option[PState[P]] for you. If the option is a None, this will result in a NoSuchElementException.

You can also get a key value from an aggregation in a related entity. For example, a BlogPost aggregates a set of authors for that post:

case class BlogPost(
  uri: BlogPostUri,
  title: String,
  slug: Option[Markdown] = None,
  content: Markdown,
  labels: Set[String] = Set(),
  postDate: DateTime,
  blog: BlogUri,
  authors: Set[Username])

Let’s retrieve all the authors for a blog post:

def getAuthorsForPost(blogPost: BlogPost): Future[Seq[PState[User]]] = {
  val futures: Seq[Future[PState[User]]] = blogPost.authors.toSeq.map { author =>

Once you get back your PState, you can of course use it to examine the persistent object itself with PState.get. You can modify it with PState.modify, and you can pass the state on to Repo.update or Repo.delete.

Repo.retrieve will always result in a database call. Longevity will not cache versions for you and pull them from the cache. Not caching provides a guarrantee that the retrieved object is up to date with the latest state of the database, and reduces the chances of a write collision. We may revisit this in the future, but we do not consider it an excessive burden on the longevity user to employ their own cache, if need be.

prev: repo.create
up: the repository
next: repo.update