Once we get our hands on a persistent state, we can use
to modify the aggregate:
val username = Username("smithy")
val retrieved: Future[PState[User]] = repo.retrieveOne[User](username)
val modified: Future[PState[User]] = retrieved map { userState =>
userState.modify(_.copy(fullname = "John Smith Jr."))
Like most of the Repo
API calls, Repo.update
requires an implicit parameter
longevity.model.PEv[M, P]
. This implicit evidence ensures that the type P
is actually a
persistent class in the domain model.
We can now persist our changes with Repo.update
val updated: Future[PState[User]] = { userState =>
All this looks much nicer using for comprehensions:
val username = Username("smithy")
val updated: Future[PState[User]] = for {
retrieved <- repo.retrieveOne(username)
modified = retrieved.modify(_.copy(fullname = "John Smith Jr."))
updated <- repo.update(modified)
} yield updated
We can continue to manipulate the persistent state returned by
, and pass it on to further calls to update
or delete
Unless the key value is for a primary key, there is nothing at present
that prevents you from modifying the contents of a key value for a persistent object. Consequently,
it is possible for update
to fail by attempting to put in a duplicate key value. See the note at
the bottom of the section on repo.create for more information on duplicate keys.
The resulting PState
result may well be different from the PState
taken as input. For example, the aggregate’s revision counter may have
been updated. In this case, re-using (or continuing to use) the input
could result in an optimistic locking failure. In general,
you should consider a PState
passed to Repo.update
as no longer valid.